Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Head Colds and toddlers

In a two hour time period, I felt this cold taking over my head. Head colds make my misrable state even worse. My eyes feel like they are swelling shut, my sinus cavity is pounding and I can feel it swelling as well (thank you to my primary dr for the helpful tip with nasal spray, it works wonders), my ears feel like they need to pop but wont, my head just feel like it weighs 3 times more than normal. The worst part of this head cold is that everytime I have a head cold it turns into bronchitis. WOOHOO. All of this during a pregnancy that has me misrable, and to add a toddler who is testing the waters makes me want to pull my hair out. I guess this means it is time to stock up on gatorade hope the husband will bring me home french fries from McDonald's once in awhile (I crave them when I am sick). My last post was about flutters or kicks, since then I have not really felt anything significant to say it was a kick. I am actually a little worried because I really haven't felt anything in a significant amount of time. I felt movements and kicks early with my other two pregnancies. I go to the dr. on the 28th. I could just be being a worry wart. I have also started having my hip troubles again, not fun at all and I am hoping that with this baby my contractions aren't in my hips like they were with Doodle. 17 weeks and 3 days. Time feels like it is standing still.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Flutters or Kicks?

Are these the little "flutters" or are they the kicks? Being my third pregnancy you would think that I would be able to decipher a kick from a movement. I am just so unsure of it this time. This pregnancy has been completely different than the other two. Maybe we will get our boy? This morning I felt what I thought may be a kick, but of course when it happens it only happens once then again when I least expect it, so I am totally unsure if it was a kick or not. Tomorrow I will be 17 weeks, getting closer to 1/2 way! WOOHOO. Now with my girls I did not 'show' until I was 8 months pregnant, one was 7lbs 11oz and the second was 6lbs 5oz. Both carried to 40 weeks. This pregnancy I feel like a blimp already and I am only 4 months. I really hope I start to show earlier, however, being "bigger" tends to hide it. I am hoping that these "flutters" or "kicks" start happening regularly.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Blog Lovin

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3rd times a charm?

I am currently 16 week and 2 days. This has been the longest 16 weeks of my life. It will be an even longer 3 weeks and 5 days until the half way point and finding out the gender of Baby G. When my husband and I decided to conceive our 3rd and final child we agreed that while it would be great to be bless with a boy we would still be just as happy with another girl. We would love to have a boy to be a jr and to carry on our name. With the odds being stacked against us it would have to be a miracle for this child to be a boy. With my first born I did not even give breast feeding a thought, I was 18 and thought it was embarrassing. Boy was I ever wrong. When I was 23 I had my second daughter. I had planned on breast feeding because it is the best for the baby. I attempted and she attempted but it wasn't until I was home with her that I realized why is wasn't working like it was suppose too. She was tongue tied. At her 3 day old check up I brought it to her pediatricians attention and right then and there they clipped the underside of her tongue. By this time, I thought it was useless to try breast feeding before she was clipped because it was too hard for her to latch on. So bottles and formula it was. I still question why I didn't go back to breast feeding after she was clipped. I regret not trying again. This time around I am bound and determined to make breast feeding work. I regret not even thinking about it with the first child, and not trying again with the second. I will not give up with this baby until the doctor says its just not working. I am determined to teach my kids to never give up. Okay so now onto cloth diapering. My cousin cloth diapered her son and it wasn't until then that I even knew of such a thing. My husband is against it but I am going to FORCE him into it, even if I do all of the diaper changes and washing. I would love to be able to get to the point of doing reviews and giveaways with my blog so I can test things for myself and not just over look things because I don't want to pay X amount to not like it. I am also going to start entering other bloggers giveaways for cloth diapers. I would rather have them on hand and fall in love than, purchase just one and love it but not have anymore. Keep in mind any and all advice is welcome.