Tuesday, January 14, 2014

3rd times a charm?

I am currently 16 week and 2 days. This has been the longest 16 weeks of my life. It will be an even longer 3 weeks and 5 days until the half way point and finding out the gender of Baby G. When my husband and I decided to conceive our 3rd and final child we agreed that while it would be great to be bless with a boy we would still be just as happy with another girl. We would love to have a boy to be a jr and to carry on our name. With the odds being stacked against us it would have to be a miracle for this child to be a boy. With my first born I did not even give breast feeding a thought, I was 18 and thought it was embarrassing. Boy was I ever wrong. When I was 23 I had my second daughter. I had planned on breast feeding because it is the best for the baby. I attempted and she attempted but it wasn't until I was home with her that I realized why is wasn't working like it was suppose too. She was tongue tied. At her 3 day old check up I brought it to her pediatricians attention and right then and there they clipped the underside of her tongue. By this time, I thought it was useless to try breast feeding before she was clipped because it was too hard for her to latch on. So bottles and formula it was. I still question why I didn't go back to breast feeding after she was clipped. I regret not trying again. This time around I am bound and determined to make breast feeding work. I regret not even thinking about it with the first child, and not trying again with the second. I will not give up with this baby until the doctor says its just not working. I am determined to teach my kids to never give up. Okay so now onto cloth diapering. My cousin cloth diapered her son and it wasn't until then that I even knew of such a thing. My husband is against it but I am going to FORCE him into it, even if I do all of the diaper changes and washing. I would love to be able to get to the point of doing reviews and giveaways with my blog so I can test things for myself and not just over look things because I don't want to pay X amount to not like it. I am also going to start entering other bloggers giveaways for cloth diapers. I would rather have them on hand and fall in love than, purchase just one and love it but not have anymore. Keep in mind any and all advice is welcome.

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